Our valuable partner members share a vision of a healthier, higher performing Canadian population and economy. Join them and get profiled, join our community of practice, and access their expertise and/or resources.
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is a national, community mental health organization reaching across Canada and focuses on the mental health and wellbeing of all Canadians. CMHA is recognized as a reliable source for information, support and compassionate understanding of those living with mental illness and the families, friends and communities who support them.
Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living ® aspires to help local communities discover natural and alternative solutions to improve their health and well-being. This neighbourhood collective offers an informative resource that showcases local health practitioners and businesses to help our communities achieve this common goal.
Curtis Health has been a leading fitness, health and wellness service provider to organizations, individuals, and properties for over 35 years. Fitness centre management, space design and refresh, fitness and wellness programs and consulting are customized for your unique culture to support a stronger, happier and more successful workforce and organization.
Our health, wellness, and lifestyle coaching and elearning programs are here to help you or your team create lasting, positive change for a healthier, happier, and more productive home and work life. Learn where you are now, where you need to be and how to get there. Our coaching has helped over 14,000 people and will give you or your team and clear direction, ready for change and the tools to change.
At Collaborative Media Group, our comprehensive technological solutions help industry leading companies and individuals achieve greater success. Our platform has a wide range of features that were created with an aim to help you live differently. Collaborative Media Group is continually building upon its technology, in order to empower our users to do better.
Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc. (IWS) is a corporate training and coaching firm, based in Winnipeg, MB. Canada, known globally for its comprehensive Wellness Improvement System® Model, a framework used to teach a multi-dimensional wellness approach for workplaces, employees, and professionals in the private and public sectors. One of the company's key initiative is the annual Global Workplace Wellness Summit.
Brandy Payne works with organizations that want to improve Workplace Mental Health so that they can experience greater success. Working with Brandy, you'll learn ways to: increase employee engagement and productivity; address concerns around morale, burnout, compassion fatigue, and workplace culture; and experience less absenteeism, less presenteeism, and reduced sick leave.
The Institute for Work & Health (IWH) is an independent, not-for-profit research organization based in Toronto, Canada. Its goal is to protect and improve the health and safety of working people by providing useful, relevant research in two key areas: (1) preventing work-related injury and illness, and (2) promoting recovery and work functioning following injury and illness. Its work provides impartial, evidence-based guidance to government policy-makers, workers and employers, and professionals in occupational health and safety, disability management and human resources.
Debbie Pearmain, One Stop HR, is a Human Resources firm with over 20 years experience in workplace wellness/mental health, leadership/employee development, workplace culture, employee engagement and developing high performing workplace teams. They offer consulting, engagement surveys, training and coaching.
Westmill Industries is one of North Americas leading Veneer and Gypsum dryer manufacturers, and have been serving the Panel board Industry for over 45 years. We supply new longitudinal and jet dryer systems, as well as complete dryer rebuilds. Besides offering Dryer Consulting and Engineering Services, Westmill is also the largest stocking supplier of dryer parts in the world. With our head office in Abbotsford, BC, and warehouses in Oregon and Georgia, we are positioned to quickly supply hard-to-find dryer parts to anywhere in North America.
The Progressive Contractors Association of Canada (PCA) is the voice of progressive unionized employers in Canada's construction industry. Our member companies employ more than 25,000 skilled construction workers across Canada, represented primarily by progressive labour unions. PCA provides advocacy, labour-management advice, networking opportunities, and organizational services to its member community.
Senses Mindfulness Coaching is an online coaching and consulting service that strives to support workplace mental health wellness in leaders, teams and cultures. We offer an eclectic approach that integrates mindfulness practices, music psychotherapy, co-active coaching, mindfulness based stress reduction programs, and yoga cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety specifically designed to empower and collaborate in meaningful ways with clients.
We are the connection between donors and patients, healthcare professionals and medical researchers. We are nationally responsible for a secure system of life essentials for transfusion and transplantation that's reliable, accessible and sustainable. Every day we work diligently to help save lives, restore health and earn the nation's trust.
To view the list of Wellness Works Canada members who chose to have a public profile please click below.